Newcastle West End Foodbank

Newcastle Foodbank

About us

“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”

‘Newcastle Foodbank strives to provide food parcels, meals and welfare assistance for people who are unable to afford food for themselves or their families. The social impact of Coronavirus combined with the increased cost of living has resulted in more people using our services.

Newcastle West End Foodbank operates a network of 7 Foodbank distribution hubs across the Newcastle city region. Although a relatively small charity employing 7 people, the scale of the services we provide is considerable and made possible by over 100 volunteers who are at the core of every aspect of our services.

We work closely with over 60 referral agencies including Medical Centres, Social Services, Housing Associations, Refugee support agencies, Schools and Children’s Services who are able to issue Foodbank Vouchers to those in need.

Financial and physical donations enable the Foodbank to provide food parcels and support to those in need every week, with nearly half of the people to benefit from our food parcels being children, living in low-income households who would otherwise go hungry.

Our work is made possible by the generosity of people and organisations who provide us with the donations that help us to sustain our services. We supplement our food distribution support with welfare services through our Pathways Team, who are trained to help clients with a range of issues including debt, housing, fuel and benefits.

Since June 2022, we have been giving out about 2,000 food parcels a month, which is 400 more than the previous average supporting over 25,000 people with 40% being children.’

Thank you for your support.

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